Baby pink Droplet crystals in a set of 5 pieces.This toothgem is great to use as buttlerfly wings. Of course all of our gems are lead free and can be used safely as a dental jewel.
Swarovski droplet crystals in a set of 5 pieces. This toothgem is great to use as buttlerfly wings or as a single gem. Of course all of our gems are lead free and can be used safely as a dental jewel.
Tooth crystals or toothgems who doesn't know them by now. They are now hugely popular. Tooth crystals are small shimmering gems that are applied to the tooth surface to create a unique and eye-catching look. With these heart-shaped tooth crystals shimmering moon, you never have to worry about whether you look radiant again.
Swarovski tooth crystals in the shape of a brilliant moon. Be the brilliant star yourself and sparkle a bit extra with this aurora color toothgem. Dental jewels can be applied safely with our BLINQ* Blue, Glue and primer.
Swarovski square crystals in a set of 5 pieces. This tiny piece of dental jewelry is very cute. Of course all of our gems are lead free and can be used safely as a dental jewel.
Swarovski heart crystals in aurora color - in a set of 5 pieces. This toothgem is great to use as buttlerfly wings or as a single gem. Of course all of our gems are lead free and can be used safely as a dental jewel.
Swarovski tooth crystals in the shape of a star. Be the brilliant star yourself and sparkle a bit extra with this aurora color toothgem. Dental jewels can be applied safely with our BLINQ* Blue, Glue and primer.
Swarovski tooth crystals in the shape of a cat eye. Be the brilliant star yourself and sparkle a bit extra with this aurora color toothgem. Dental jewels can be applied safely with our BLINQ* Blue, Glue and primer.
Swarovski star tooth crystals. Be the brilliant star yourself and sparkle with this bright toothgem. Dental jewels can be applied safely with our BLINQ* Blue, Glue and primer.
Tooth fairy dust is a very tiny micro pearl mixed with tiny crystals. With tooth fairy dust it is possible to create the most beautiful creations on a tooth and that would be perfect for a shiny wedding for example. Combine our tiny XXS Swarovski crystals as well and shine as no one has ever done before.
Toothgems by Swarovski. A pink aurora shimmering crystal from Swarovski. Imagine the most beautifull pink color, put some sparkles on top of that and finish with a nice layer of gloss. Beautifull isn't it? Availible in different colors. packed per 25.
Tandkristallen nazorg formulieren zijn super handig! Klanten bellen of appen je na de tijd niet meer, want je geeft ze alle informatie gewoon heel professioneel mee. Waar moeten ze rekening mee houden, wat mag wel, wat mag niet. Het staat er allemaal op.
White Golden snake Tooth Gem 18ct. Our [White] goldies are dental toothgems to make your smile sparkle. Add some style to your smile with this famous fashion designer brand.
Rose red tooth gem crystal from Swarovski. This one is very cute with its rosy red color. Could be used to make a cute butterfly toothgem or just combined with an XXS clear tooth gem. So nice!
Gold superman Tooth Gem 22ct. Our goldies are dental toothgems to make your smile sparkle. This Superman logo makes people see that you are truly a super man or a super woman. Show some teeth!