Gel application tips 25pcs.. Apply tooth bleaching gel fast and accurate. With a simple twist, you can attach the gel tip to your syringe and apply the whitening gel to your clients teeth. Quick, clean and easy.
Gel application tips 25pcs.. Apply tooth bleaching gel fast and accurate. With a simple twist, you can attach the gel tip to your syringe and apply the whitening gel to your clients teeth. Quick, clean and easy.
Tips for your toothgems Blue etchant. With these disposable Blinq* Blue tips you will always apply your dental jewelry in a hygienic way. Just like you're supposed to. Also, you will never apply too much, because you can apply the etchant very precisely.
Microbrushes are easy to use, have a large work surface and leave no fibers, because they are special brushes who are free of fibers. Microbrush applicators cannot be missed in placing toothgems
Brushes or applicators for applying the tooth whitening gel prior to the treatment. The hairs of the brush ensure a perfect transfer of the gel, so the gel will be applied equally.
Brushes or applicators for applying the tooth whitening gel prior to the treatment. The hairs of the brush ensure a perfect transfer of the gel, so the gel will be applied equally.
Disposable kidney dishes made from 100 % compressed cellulose. These non-sterile kidney dishes from Teqler are used for various purposes in medicine. In emergency situations, they are used for catching vomit, for example, while a general practice uses them to prepare consumables or medical instruments.
Green dental towels. Consisting of two layers of tissue and one layer of plastic. Size 33 x 46 cm. In tooth whitening procedures they are used on your clients chest, so any leaking or excess saliva will not stain their clothes.
These cotton swabs with an extra long wooden stick are ideal for performing swabs or to make sure you can easily reach difficult places in your customer's mouth.
Disposable Toothbrush with integrated toothpaste. Ideal if your client has an appointment immediately after work or during shopping. Brushing teeth makes your client feel comfortable about their teeth and of course, it is pleasant to work in a clean mouth.
Brushes or applicators for applying the tooth whitening gel prior to the treatment. The hairs of the brush ensure a perfect transfer of the gel, so the gel will be applied equally.
These sterile single-use forceps are made of transparent polystyrene and have a ribbed handle for safe maneuvering. Suture or dressing materials can be securely gripped with the grooved tips of the anatomical single-use forceps.
Wooden bamboo cotton buds with 100% cotton tips. Can be used in tooth whitening to remove excess whitening gel or gel that has accidentally come on the gums. Of course they can also be used for the regular cosmetic routines and the ear cleaning rituals ;)
OptraGate is a latex-free lip and cheek retractor. The aid’s unique flexibility and elasticity make it comfortable to wear and assist patients to keep their mouth open.