Gold mini star Tooth Gem 18ct. Only 1mm! A real baby star. Our goldies are dental toothgems to make your smile sparkle. Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Wonder a lot and wish some twinkles on your brilliant smile. Our gold tooth jewels are genuine gold and not gold plated. Only the best quality for our customers.
Quantity: per piece
18 carat genuine yellow gold - only 1mm.
Special backing to get more grip on the tooth
Gold mini star Tooth Gem 18ct. Only 1mm! A real baby star. Our goldies are dental toothgems to make your smile sparkle. Twinkle twinkle little star!
Gold Moon Tooth Gem 22ct. Our goldies are dental toothgems to make your smile sparkle. This tiny moon will give your smile a mysterious bling. Our gold tooth jewels are genuine gold and not gold plated. Only the best quality for our customers.
Gouden Tandsieraad Ster Klein. Tandsieraden zijn kleine juweeltjes van echt 22 karaats goud die veilig op de tand bevestigd kunnen worden met onze BLINQ* Glue
Gold Tooth Gem Star with genuine diamond. This particular toothgem has a real diamond inside, so your smile will sparkle like crazy. The diamond inside is 0.01 carat.
Gold Tooth Gem 18ct - Open Star. Shine bright like a star in a clear moonlit sky. Because you are a star! Our gold tooth jewels are genuine gold and not gold plated. Only the best quality for our customers.
Gold slit Tooth Gem 22ct. Our goldies are dental toothgems to make your smile sparkle. This slit is used to apply on the side of a tooth. Available to apply on the left side or the right side.
Gouden Tandsieraad Hagedis. Tandsieraden zijn kleine juweeltjes van echt 22 karaats goud die veilig op de tand bevestigd kunnen worden met onze BLINQ* Glue
Gold Playboy Bunny Tooth Gem 22ct. Our goldies are dental toothgems to make your smile sparkle. Are you a playboy? Show it off with this bunny and stop making women cry ;).
This golden fairy on the moon makes all your dreams come true. Did you think fairytales don't exist? Then think again when this gold dental jewel shows off on your teeth.