Toothgems Starter Kit - with course & video training. Give your customers a brilliant smile with our dental jewellery starter kit. With our brand new instruction video, you can learn how to professionally place a tooth gem, with the right products in the right way, all from the comfort of your own home or studio. Send in your video after practice and we will help you to get certified and get the best durable results.
Primer for tooth placing a tooth gem or tooth crystal. The primer will make sure that the bonding will be supreme, so the tooth gem will hold for a long time. This is step 2 in our 3 step system.
Tooth Gem glue for bonding a tooth gem professionally. BLINQ* tooth crystal adhesive bonds a gem to the teeth and makes absolutely sure that your client will have lots of fun with their newly purchased dental jewel. Our glue is of the best possible quality.
Tooth etchant or etch for applying tooth gems professionally. Without this product, your tooth gem will fall off in no time. This is step 1 on our 3 step system. 1 Syringe is sufficient for applying at least 50 tothgems.
Tandkristallen nazorg formulieren zijn super handig! Klanten bellen of appen je na de tijd niet meer, want je geeft ze alle informatie gewoon heel professioneel mee. Waar moeten ze rekening mee houden, wat mag wel, wat mag niet. Het staat er allemaal op.
Tandkristallen nazorg formulieren zijn super handig! Klanten bellen of appen je na de tijd niet meer, want je geeft ze alle informatie gewoon heel professioneel mee. Waar moeten ze rekening mee houden, wat mag wel, wat mag niet. Het staat er allemaal op.
Tooth gem display. Perfect to keep all your tooth gems stored away and also maintain a proper presentation, so you can show your clients what you have in stock. Keep them sorted and dust free. In 50 boxes you can sort your stock. You can take the boxes out for easy filling if necessary.
Cottonrolls are made of 100% pure cotton. They are often used in placing a tooth gem or sometimes in teeth whitening procedures. Highly absorbent and packed in bundles of 40 to 50 pcs.
Pick-up tool with sticky tip to pick up some of the heavier gems, like our golden tooth jewels of the Swarovski stars or cat eye gem. Everything will stick, so nothing will fall in your clients mouth or nothing will get lost. Pick, stick and cure & twist. As you can see, very easy to use.