Tooth Gem glue for bonding a tooth gem professionally. BLINQ* tooth crystal adhesive bonds a gem to the teeth and makes absolutely sure that your client will have lots of fun with their newly purchased dental jewel. Our glue is of the best possible quality.
Tooth Gem glue for bonding a tooth gem professionally. BLINQ* tooth crystal adhesive bonds a gem to the teeth and makes absolutely sure that your client will have lots of fun with their newly purchased dental jewel. Our glue is of the best possible quality, so the sparkle will stay on the teeth for a long long time.
Primer for tooth placing a tooth gem or tooth crystal. The primer will make sure that the bonding will be supreme, so the tooth gem will hold for a long time. This is step 2 in our 3 step system.
Tooth etchant or etch for applying tooth gems professionally. Without this product, your tooth gem will fall off in no time. This is step 1 on our 3 step system. 1 Syringe is sufficient for applying at least 50 tothgems.
Tips for your toothgems Blue etchant. With these disposable Blinq* Blue tips you will always apply your dental jewelry in a hygienic way. Just like you're supposed to. Also, you will never apply too much, because you can apply the etchant very precisely.
Tandkristallen nazorg formulieren zijn super handig! Klanten bellen of appen je na de tijd niet meer, want je geeft ze alle informatie gewoon heel professioneel mee. Waar moeten ze rekening mee houden, wat mag wel, wat mag niet. Het staat er allemaal op.
Tooth etchant or etch for applying tooth gems professionally. Without this product, your tooth gem will fall off in no time. This is step 1 on our 3 step system. 1 Syringe is sufficient for applying at least 50 tothgems.
Primer for tooth placing a tooth gem or tooth crystal. The primer will make sure that the bonding will be supreme, so the tooth gem will hold for a long time. This is step 2 in our 3 step system.
Tips for your toothgems Blue etchant. With these disposable Blinq* Blue tips you will always apply your dental jewelry in a hygienic way. Just like you're supposed to. Also, you will never apply too much, because you can apply the etchant very precisely.